Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dremel Plans Will A Copper Pipe Exposed To An Open Flame Be Safe?

Will a Copper Pipe Exposed to an Open Flame Be Safe? - dremel plans

In school, I have a DNA replication creation. Very helpful, I have a ring of canted from a plane section of a copper tube (with water heated by courtesy of a Dremel tool) and to maintain the appearance soudered twist ends together. I think the realization that money to suspend [short] the tube to an open flame and turn with gloves on. Is that a threat or would breathe it safe for me? I was also counting on a weapon or fire soudering for "welding" ends. Ideas? Thank you!


billruss... said...

should be not be a problem, such as sanitary-connect copper tubes in contact, by heating with a blowtorch.

However, you can have a simple curve, with which you can bend the pipe without the application of heat. Copper is very ductile.


jamus d woespuss said...

Go to the local distributors of electricity (if Electrician buy their content) or "Home Depot", etc., and is "the land or the land of strapping, which is about 1 cm wide with a leaf looks like it is Copper Square like a flat-head Everything you need to do is turn around

Another option - go to a pet shop and buy a plastic (bird, mouse) of stairs and turn heat with a hair dryer to

Copper is a sweet orange-hot, non-toxic gases

Lil J said...

proabably not think you were a very hot flame for copper in Tempature need, need. In addition, you must be very well insulated gloves to do something like that can be easily burned

Kael M said...

Copper is great for heat, there should be no harmful gases, especially for the limited duration.
No hot-dip galvanized steel that the worst thing you have to take your house, to be made of steel.

Gary H said...

The heating of copper is not a problem. Heating of the weld is more likely to be a problem. If you are new leader of the free soldering, it should not be a big problem. The flux used for welding, not things you want to breathe a little, but as long as you work with a reasonable layout, this should not be too hard, either. They want to be sure you use gloves that are good and dry (steam penetrates deep) in many types of gloves. Be sure to wear, goggles or face shield

You can use the pieces before welding, turn the "steps" between the solder is in the setting of copper-welded parts with each other are often not very elastic. If the intersection and then turn you can break all the welds.

A welding gun will not reach a temperature high enough to weld copper. It depends on what type of fire if you try to really solder on copper. CU is a very good conductor of heat, so it is easier to solder if you have a very intense heat source (such as a TIG arc welding processes).

When stiCu LL want to deploy troops, but would reduce the level of difficulty, you can use a copper wire. You only have a length of 3 son insulated copper cables from the house. Remove the plastic insulation and you have copper, easy to fold and cut to length. Prices for copper, copper wire is increased, there are less weight and low cost of copper tubing. The copper wire is easier to pipe welding.

Sounds like an interesting project. Good luck

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